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Andrés Guerrero Serrano

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Taking an integrated approach: managing women with phytoestrogens.

(Extraído de PubMed.gov)

Climacteric. 2011 Dec;14 Suppl 2:2-7.

Panay N.


Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London, London, UK.


An integrated approach can be employed when counselling women about menopausal management options, where lifestyle, complementary therapies and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are discussed. Women might opt to use an alternative approach to HRT for a variety of reasons, e.g. fear of side-effects and risks or contraindications to HRT. There are many choices of dietary and herbal approaches for menopausal symptoms, which essentially divide into food supplements and herbal medicines. The choice can often be overwhelming and confusing for the woman. Of concern, the evidence for efficacy and safety of some of these complementary therapies can be extremely limited or non-existent. In order to enable women to make a fully informed choice, it is important that, when a recommendation is made regarding a specific complementary therapy, it should focus on preparations for which a significant dataset exists for efficacy and safety and in which there is ongoing research and development. One of the most extensively studied food supplements has been the phytoestrogenic preparation containing red clover isoflavones. There have been six randomized trials thus far studying the impact on vasomotor symptoms, three of which have shown a significant benefit compared to placebo. There are also data from small randomized and observational trials showing positive outcomes for surrogate markers of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. A recent study using validated depression scales has shown that women using red clover isoflavones may also derive psychological benefits. Safety data are reassuring for the endometrium and breast, although further studies would be welcome, particularly in women with significant medical risks.

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