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Andrés Guerrero Serrano

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Horses, pigs and cows are now treated with homeopathy

(Extraído de agenciadenoticias.unal.edu.co)

Bogotá D. C., feb. 18 de 2014 - Agencia de Noticias UN- Just as human beings have alternative medicine treatments to cure their diseases, animals now have a second option in homeopathic medicine.

With the principle that medicine provided to humans is the same provided to animals, given that the active principles are generally for any species, homeopathy has turned into a treatment form at the Small Animal Clinic (SAC), ascribed to the UNal-Bogotá Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics. 

Professor and SAC assistant Lucia Carvajal whom is spearheading this initiative decided to establish this type of consultation when she realized that many owners of her patients were benefitted from homeopathy treatments and wanted the same treatment for their pets. 

“After having some experiences with wild animals, which are difficult to treat with chemical products because their organic responses are different, we drew on homeopathy and obtained good results. One of the most successful homeopathic treatments was when the National Police brought us horses with colic, a disease which can only be cured with surgery. However the homeopathic treatment performed at the clinic avoided an invasive procedure,” said Carvajal. 

Carvajal knows a swine production farm in the Bogotá Savannah which only treats their animals with homeopathic principles, “There the results are extraordinary, reports prove that animals do not contract gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases, which are a big risk for these types of animals”. 

Entire dairy farms may be treated with homeopathic treatments. For example mastitis is a chronic issue in dairy cows. Therefore dairy farmers take preventive measures to prevent the disease and avoid economic losses. With homeopathic medicine they carry out an epidemiological analysis of certain locations or complete farms.

Small animals

Just as large animals are treated with homeopathy, fish may be treated as well. “There are frequent situations where fungi stick to scales, provoke them to fall and make fish bleed. For this particular case, treatment may be a calcareous substance which is easy to dose as it dissolves in water or may be administered orally. Many pet owners are surprised to see that the drug for their pets is that same that they are taking. I tell them adamantly that I didn’t make a mistake on the prescription because owners and pets share similar energies, food and environments. Therefore it’s not rare to see diabetics with diabetic dogs. We fall sick according to how we live,” said Carvajal. 

Carvajal explains that although homeopathy is extraordinary there are still diseases which cannot be cured in animals or human beings with any kind of medicine. 

Small Animal Clinic appointments must be requested personally with 15 days advance notice. Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon and 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Consultations are Wednesdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.

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