(Extraído de mcall.com)
8:17 p.m. EDT, September 16, 2011
Your body can throw you a curve at any time. Depending on the nature of the problem, you may be able to self-treat at home, using remedies that you may already have on hand — not in your medicine chest, but in your kitchen. Here are three suggestions from Prevention magazine, published by Rodale:
1 Ginger is the go-to remedy for nausea; it's especially effective for morning sickness. Make a batch of frozen ginger chips so they're ready to go when you need them. Here's how: Infuse fresh ginger in hot water. Strain, then freeze the tea in ice cube trays. Crush the cubes and suck the icy chips throughout the day for gentle relief.
2 To calm a nagging cough that keeps you awake at night, take two teaspoons of honey along with 500 mg of Ester C 30 minutes before bed. Recent studies have shown that honey works better than either a cough suppressant or no treatment at all for relieving nocturnal cough and promoting sleep. The vitamin C helps boost the immune system in the early stages of your cough.
3 Peppermint kills the bacteria that cause bloating and relaxes gastrointestinal muscles for smoother, spasm-free digestion. To quiet flatulence, take two enteric-coated peppermint capsules (500 mg each) three times daily. The enteric coating prevents the capsules from opening in the stomach, where they could increase discomfort, causing heartburn and indigestion. Instead, the peppermint releases and goes to work lower in the gastrointestinal tract, where gas-plagued people need it most.
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